Get Out is featured in a terrific little publication titled "Spokane Blog Bible" along with a dozen other local blogs. The project was put together by Spovangelist author Mariah McKay and she describes it as "A tantalizing little book packed with medieval graphics, URLs and distinctive descriptions for 12 of Spokane’s more active blogs. With topics ranging from photography to bicycling there is something for everyone in this user friendly hand-held guide."
Participating Blogs:
Down To EarthSpokanaramaThe SpovangelistCycling Spokane 7,000Shallow CogitationsOut There MonthlySpokane SkepticBlush ResponseInland EchoGet Out North IdahoSkywalk SensationsYou can pick them up at various indie bookshops and coffee bars in Spokane and I'll be distributing a few here and there in Cd'A. Email me if you're interested in a copy and we'll finger it out.
If you live out of the area and covet one of these books, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Mariah McKay, c/o Community-Minded Enterprises, 25 W. Main Ave. Spokane, WA 99201
The buy direct cost is two for $3 while supplies last.