Calypso's Queen Michell Remley writes:
"A few weeks ago I met with two amazing women and learned about an incredible organization that not only needs support but also wants to support.
Every day and every week I get calls, emails, and letters requesting donations. We try to give where we can… but as a new business it is hard. Even harder is the heavy feeling we carry for not being able to give to ALL who ask. So let me tell you how amazing it was to meet these two selfless women who not only came to us without conditions, but came to us ready to give not take.
I am talking about Amy and Tarena from NIAC. The North Idaho AIDS Coalition is a nonprofit community based organization providing care, prevention, and advocacy to those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. The theme of this year's World AIDS Day 2008 is "Leadership. Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise".
So am asking you, Calypsos Supporters to come out and support this cause and organization on December 1st here at Calypsos. You won't be disappointed.
So much will be happening that day....
Live Music by Christopher Lucas 6pm
Every latte or mocha purchased that day Calypsos will give $1 towards NIAC.
Candle lighting, raffle prizes, too much to list..."