Live music. Mik-n-Mac's. Two phrases you'd thought you'd never hear mentioned in the same breath again. Barring last year's KITE performance there in benefit of Kim Hagen, it's been nothing but DJ's and Karaoke for the last eight years. Bar owner Ms. Rita has had the jitters about hosting live bands since her last venture into booking shows became unmanageable way back when. But recently a little bird suggested she reconsider the idea and so we have Cd'A punk-a-billy trio BentPenny taking over the M-n-M's stage this Thursday, March 20, along with Portland's Blackout Radio and the Wammies, in from Seattle town. If everyone shows up and behaves themselves, we'll see more local rock/punk/alt music on their schedule every week.
Meanwhile, Get Out presents...
14 Questions with BentPenny
1.When and how did BentPenny form exactly? What’s the whole juicy story?Steph: I started BentPenny with Lisa in Anchorage, Alaska with Lisa in 1998. Lisa moved back to Idaho in 99, I was in a band Stephinfection (now Stuntcock) for about four years until I broke up with the band. Then I started another BentPenny, without Lisa, for about a year until I broke up with the band. Then in 2004 I moved to Idaho and started BentPenny with Lisa again. Three drummers, a violin and a flute latter here we are.
2. Favorite TV show from the 80’s and why?Steph: Punky Brewster. I even used to dress like her! I even have freckles & a crooked eye...
Lisa: Isn't "That 70's Show" from the 80's?
Ghoul: Son Of Svengoolie. A horror/sci-fi/b-movie host from my hometown of Chicago.
3. Albums that most influenced your musical outlook?Steph: Patsy Cline's Greatest Hits.
Lisa: Decendants, NOFX, Vandals, Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly. I'm pretty eclectic.
Ghoul: Anything by The Ramones. I was "self-taught" by playing along to classic Ramones albums. By studying Marky Ramone's "8th beat technique" and perfecting it at any speed, I developed a LOT of endurance... which comes in useful when playing long sets!
4.Other local artists you admire and would recommend?Steph: Cameron Bameron ROCKS!!
Lisa: I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than see a Scatterbox show.
Ghoul: The local scene in the Northwest is pathetic... I wouldn't even refer to it as a scene at all.
5. First there was the violin, then there was the flute. Where did they go? Any more unusual instruments planned or have you decided to keep it as a trio?Steph: The violin player is living on the planet Zicron.
Lisa: We are going to be starting a acoustic side project this spring, and are going to bring the flute back in on that. I'm learning the upright bass, that is kind of unusual.
Ghoul: Violin and flute were never meant to be combined with any form of punk/rock. Those instruments should be only used in a symphony.
6. Describe your worst gig ever and one that stands out in your mind as really great? Rowdiest gig? Cops ever show up?Steph: Once in Anchorage, with Stephinfection, our lead guitar player and his amp fell off the stage and broke a huge window. We just kept playing and the kids really freaked out. The paper latter said we started a riot, but that really wasn't true.
Lisa: Those pesky porters aways seem to break up our house parties. We played a show with the Enigma on Friday the 13th once, that was cool.
Ghoul: I come from the type of Midwest punk background that holds a lot of memories... in 1998, when I was the lead vocalist of Chicago's horror/punk band Human Monster, I remember smashing a glass pitcher of water over a guys forehead for pulling on my mic cord...
7. Favorite local eating establishment?Steph: King Pizza (CDA).
Lisa: Toro Viejo (downtown CDA) Thanks for the kiwi margaritas Jonathan!
Ghoul: Rancho Viejo (Post Falls) Great service.
I like the fun theme clothes, especially the naughty Santa girl outfits. Where do you shop?Steph: We like to dress up, wigs, costumes. We did "famous dead women".
Lisa: Superheroes would be fun! The naughty Santa girl was already in my closet!
Ghoul: Since I've been with BentPenny, I've actually looked fairly normal to the general public... usually I'm much bloodier!
9. Current favorite Bent Penny song and why?Steph:Lisa: "Sally" because I hate sissy-la-la's
Ghoul: "I'm A C#nt" cuz it's got a great big fat sing-along chorus.
10. Describe Bent Penny’s music in three words.Steph: I got one word for you, PunKuntry.
Lisa: Bad ass broads!
Ghoul: bitch/punk/rock
11. What’s the story of how The Ghoul became your drummer and how did that affect the band’s sound?Steph: The Ghoul rocks harder then our other drummers, he realy tightened us girls up. He would have to actualy crawl into a grave before we would give him up!
Lisa: The day we moved rehearsal into my garage I got a new neighbor. Lucky he plays music and doesn't mind the noise. He sent the Ghoul to us.
12. What are some thoughts on the local music scene? Do we even really have one?Ghoul: See my answer on question # 4... the girls feel the same.
13. Any plans right now for a debut Bent Penny CD release? Details?Steph: We are currently working on a four song split EP on vinyl with Stuntcock, and a Johnny Cash song for a tribute album. As soon as we finish that up we are going to start on a 12 song album...Yea!
Ghoul: After just finishing up the tracking for our new singles, I can't wait to do more studio work with these bitches. They both have ADD, but are fun to work with!
14. Someone offers to buy you a drink. What do you order?Steph: Jameson Rocks.
Lisa: Bud Light (in a tall can please)
Ghoul: A Zombie!