Feeling left out because your employer is too cheap to spring for a lavish
company Christmas party? No worries, tis the season for convention crashing. Just wear your finest get-up, slap on a "Hello! My Name Is..." name badge and sneak into one of the many holiday functions happening on a nightly basis down at the
CDA Resort! It's easier if you go down there earlier in the day and read the list of functions for that night. The bigger party the better, and preferably one thrown by a Spokane company. Maybe you might Google the company so you won't be totally lost at sea if someone tries to strike up a conversation about work. Dress as corporate as possible, and bring a partner in crime - you'll be less conspicuous if you're visiting with someone else rather than sitting alone. Security is usually lax, so you should have no problem gliding right in the front door of the convention center and into the bays. If you need to sneak in via the back hallway, no problem - convention center staff are way too young and busy to notice or care. If anyone asks, just tell them you work for "Ron in Corporate" - no one will question it. You'll get a free delicious meal, maybe a free "fantasy" boat cruise and if you're lucky, some bonus swag courtesy of your "new boss"or Uncle Duane. Get totally sloshed and make an ass out of yourself. Who cares? You'll never see those people again. Good luck and good free eats!

New greasy food shack alert: Opening soon on Northwest Boulevard across from the Spokesman Review building in Coeur d'Alene is the
Chicken Basket. The signs read "Fish and Chicken" and"Broasted Foods" but otherwise, it's a bit of a mystery. I can't imagine that
Paul Bunyan, also located directly across the street is too thrilled about this development since they also sell chicken and fish, although "broasted" certainly doesn't describe their brand of deep-fryer abuse. Hopefully they'll come up with something unique and wonderful - I fear that building is cursed, having been home to the ill-fated
Pasty Depot several years back along with several failed skate shops. Expect some form of a review here as soon as they open for biz.

From the Get Out! mailbag:
Dear Get Out!
First off I do enjoy your column in the Community News section of Handle Extra. I sometimes go or revisit a place depending on your reviews. I must take you to task about the recent Zips restaurant article/review. I was anything but happy after my return visit there last week. I have been to the one on Sherman Ave in CdA in the past, and each time I say "no more" but then I go again to give it a try several months later. After trying the fish dinner (two piece) I dont think I'll ever be going back again. The fish was very small and thin (but tasty) and the fries were partially over done, and the rest under done (although a heap of them in the meal) Total waste after I ate the fish and a few fries. Must be the home town nostalgia that keeps you going back for more. Oh well. Keep up the good work,as I do enjoy your columns. Just thought I'd vent a little about the quality of the meal I got at Zips.
B. Ritchie
Cd'A, Idaho
Well, far be it from me to discrimate against thin fish, although I do sympathize with your situation. I've noticed that the dimensions of Zips fish have shrunk over the last few years. They used to be one of the best places to order fish and chips, and had large, flaky halibut pieces, but you are correct - the last time I ordered a 3-piece, I was shocked to find that said filets had indeed been suffering from anorexia and were overcooked to the point of chewiness. However, I was able to smother on enough of that famous tartar sauce to glom it down anyway. Thanks for the nice words btw.
Dear Get Out!
Re: Rock Concert at Farragut State Park. Just an idea. In the sixties, can’t recall what year or a great deal about it, to drug’d up. But it was great they even had a nude beach, which in those days was really hot of North Idaho . North Idaho could be a dangerous place in those days if you had long hair. Also, the old Stateline in the 60’s, with fake ID, the El Patio and the Hillbilly bars, Kon Tiki etc.
Wes Albert
It's good to know that Stateline hasn't changed a bit after all these years. I've heard of that legendary rock concert at Farragut before, in fact I think I vaguely recall hearing that my uncle Dan English was there - perhaps I'll have to grill him for details. Seems like it might have been sort of North Idaho's own little Woodstock. I can't imagine it being too wild, but I'd love to know if there were any LSD-fueled love-ins, nude mudbaths, incidents of police brutality etc. Any famous or semi-famous musicians show up? Details, people! If I get any good stories, I might include them in my next retro-themed column in January...
Dear Get Out!
I've been a regular reader of your column in the since I moved to CDA 2 years ago. In fact I think it was your review of that TacoWorks trailer over on Best Avenue that helped me find the best street tacos since I left Southern California. I would have never pulled over and tried that location if it wasn't for your positive review. I even had Omar cater my Dad's wake here back in May. It was a hit.
I read a little blurb in the Huckleberries column a week ago about your reticence to review Hudson's. Risking a social backlash from the Hudson's cult that exists here in little ole Coeur d' Alene could be a pain for sure with a highly visible profile like yours. Now, I've never been to Hudson's. Sure, I've heard all the hype. But when I also hear about the draconian restrictions they have about the type of burgers, drinks and sides (none), the limited seating and long lines, I haven't exactly yelled "Let's go to Hudson's" when I need a burger fix. I'll go Carl's Jr for a Famous Star at 11:00 in the morning (it has to be hot and fresh) or if I really want to bust my cholesterol reading (and budget) go to Red Robin for a Royal Red Robin Burger. C'mon, bacon and a fried egg on a thick juicy burger with all the fixin's!
Anyway, if the idea of a "secret shopper" appeals to you, let me know. The review, good, bad or lukewarm, could be used in your column without any of the cult throwing you stink-eye around town and we'll get to the truth.
Thanks for the hype yo, but I'm afraid I've only had the column for nine months, and it wasn't me who reviewed that taco truck. Sounds good though, I'll have to check it out. I've heard from a bunch of folks that the owner of Hudson's wants me to "come in and visit sometime" which is a little on the scary side for me, after publicly declaring the 100-year old lunch counter to be nothing more than hype. I just picture him behind that counter chopping meat with that giant knife. Chop chop CHOP! Gulp. So, I might actually take you up on that offer. Seems like a nice, neutral way to get an untainted impression of the legendary burger stop to see if it indeed lives up to the hype. I'm afraid one glimpse of that meat knife and I'd have no choice but to give the place a unfairly glowing write-up.